Participant details
DTU Environment conduct process oriented science-based engineering environmental research spanning from fundamental research on microbial degradation of toxins to applied water resources management in developing countries. Research includes issues in applied science as well as engineering, technology and management issues of environmental and resource-related problems in Denmark, Europe and internationally. The department hosts about 150 persons. 50 are professors and researchers and about 35 are Ph.D. students. The department teaches students form all over the world in all aspect of environmental science, engineering and technology. DTU Environment takes part in research project financed by private parties, authorities, national research councils and the EU. Relevant research topics in the context of Riskcycle are chemicals (modelling, fate, effects and risk assessments of chemicals and hazardous materials)and waste streams (solid waste characterization, waste treatment, landfilling, and environmental assessment of technologies and treatment incl. LCA). Lead: Dr. Thomas Højlund Christensen