Project meeting and study tour in DresdenDuring the period from October 30 till November 07, 2005, the Institute for Waste Management of Dresden University of Technology invited the project partners for the summit meeting of the ISTEAC-Project to Dresden/Germany. The meeting began with a final workshop session in the rectors building at the university campus. All partners reported in detail about their work since the last meeting and gave a presentation on the latest accomplishments and final results in the different research topics. The project summit proceeded in the following days with a study tour focusing on some examples of the German waste management practice that could be of relevance for the waste management future in Greece and Asia, too. The different places and installations visited by the project group gave recognition to the needs and interests of the project partners as perceived during the project implementation and expressed by them in advance. Completing the presentations delivered on source separation and selective waste collection as well as on landfill aftercare issues during the teaching missions in Asia, the visits now included among others the collection and sorting facilities of the German packaging scheme "The Green-dot" and a recently closed sanitary landfill site. Further stops during the excursion tour included a waste incineration plant and an underground deposit for hazardous waste components, such as the filter ashes from waste incineration. Extensive technical information and guidance from the side of the operators let the participants gain a first hand impression on the application of different, adapted techniques for the modern waste management in Germany and on the required infrastructure. Beside the exhaustive technical program offered by the Institute for Waste Management it is hoped that the meeting participants also enjoyed the remarkable architectural and cultural environment which the City of Dresden is famous for allover the world.