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RISKCYCLE Public Reports

The Coordination Action RISKCYCLE is joined by international, European and national experts and stakeholders from different programmes and organisations. The partners involved in the single work packages of the CA produced numerous public reports which summarize the results obtained during the project in specified fields.
Throughout the project's implementation phase, more and more of these reports will be produced and gradually published here.

Deliverable 3.2. Overview of environmental factor influence over additive exposure and release into the environment
Deliverable 3.3. Review of models for predicting the concentration of chemicals in air, water and soil to human exposure, including mathematical and functional specification of the multimedia software
Deliverable 4.1. Report containing a discussion on the identified criteria and their scores for alternative methods
Deliverable 4.2. List of databases and meta-databases
Deliverable 4.3. Report on the review of bioassays and biosensors and (Q)SAR models as candidate for the intended use
Deliverable 5.1. Definition of risk scenarios and historical analysis
Deliverable 6.1. Life Cycle Assessment of additives
Deliverable 7.1. Meta-analysis of damage costs related to health, the built environment and the ecosystem

Further results beside those compiled in the public reports have been published in the frame of two publications under the title "Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives" Vol.I "Production, Usage and Environmanel Occurrence" and Vol.II "Risk-Based Assessment and Management Strategies" and can be obtained as RISKCYCLE Book Volume I and II via the project co-ordinator or directly from the publisher Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Presentations of the content of the two Volumes were also given at the final RISKCYCLE conference.