Project workshop & teaching mission in Hanoi
From September 19 till October 1, 2004 the project partners met for the next project workshop
and to conduct a special teaching course on selected waste management topics at Hanoi University
of Science. In the workshop which covered the first two days, an internal project meeting was
held and the results of the first project phase reviewed and discussed. Further to this, tasks
and the action plan for the next working phase were determined and administrative issues settled.
In the meeting
program integrated were discussion rounds with the Centre of Science-Technology and Environment
from the Vietnam Corporate Association and the Hanoi Urban Environment Company, UNRENCO on local
waste management developments, possible areas of co-operation and the integration of project
results in their activities. These contacts were followed up during the
teaching course
with field excursions to a local composting plant and a sanitary landfill site.
The 7-days teaching course with all together 10 lecture sessions on various pre-selected
waste management topics was attended from a total of 46 students and concluded with a written
exam and awarding of course certificates. The teaching aids produced were handed to HUS for
use in lecturing and future environmental courses.